Yesterday I had some fun with the patch. I was able to get *some* add ons working. Grid was being a little buggy with me though. I did some instances as well as some bgs and whenever I joined or someone left and another joined my grid wouldn't show that person so i'd have to play with the format over and over for them to show. It was especially icky when I did Wintergrasp! But then again only 10 alliance showed up.. o.o And yes, in the middle of the day. :P I hope that the side indicator text gets updated! Nat needs her HoT countdowns! *goes into fetal position*
I feel like I kind of rushed my spec on my druid since the spec number thingy (2/1/33) looks odd to me. I wanted to max out Swift Rejuvenation since 1/2 doesn't really work with our haste. I don't know if it's fixed so if anyone knows, lemme know! :D I've only healed dungeons and pvp so I don't know about my mana regen yet. In dungeons my mana barely moved, but that's how it was before. In pvp, my mana was slightly going down a bit faster but I wear wyrmhide and I didn't have a mana trinket equipped like I usually do. >.< I is scurred of the mages! /cower Also the random battleground kicks. I'd be healing someone in the middle of a fight and i'd get a loading screen with the lovely gift of deserter. Go bugs! But it'll be fixed soon, i'm sure. :D
Yesterday on the forums I saw so many posts asking about the new tree of life model since the patch came out! At the end of the night MMO-Champion released a preview of it. It looks kind of cute, I still kind of like my broccoli form better though (you know you miss the shake dance!). The models still look decent though! It'll take some getting used to seeing but it's ok. =)
With that being said, i'm going to try to configure grid more before raid time! >_< Have a great day!
If you enjoy the old Tree of Life form, good news! Blizzard is making a minor glyph that changes the new Tree of Life form in to the original "Broccoli form".