About a week until the expansion hits and things have been slow around here lately. I've been leveling up a horde priest on another server to check out the new zones from a different faction's point of view. I really liked Silverpine and Hillsbrad so far. My favorite quest so far has got to be Peaceblooms vs Ghouls. I didn't really understand it at first since I haven't played Plants vs Zombies yet, but with a little help I was able to kick some ghoul butt! :) The little sunflower pet from completing the chain is adorable.
I've also been trying to go through to do the new quests on my druid. I've done some zones but then stopped because I wanted to raise my goblin rep up (darn, bloodsail!). So far I was able to get Booty Bay back up to Neutral; the rest i'm still hated with!
Today I decided to drop my Jewelcrafting to pick up herbalism once again. I'm not really good at making money so I wouldn't be able to buy my way through maxing out both Alchemy and Jewelcrafting. I finished leveling my herbalism 1-450 today and it really didn't take that long to begin with. It feels like the zones have more herbing nodes than they did before (Hillsbrad has a lot! [Mageroyal, Briarthorn]).
A couple guildies and I usually run Tempest Keep weekly to try to get A'lar but this week seemed to go rather.. odd. We got to where he started flying into the air, but he wasn't doing anything so we just sat there and waited. Our tank started moving around and walked away and there went Kael'thas chasing after him.
It appears he lost his spine in the last patch..
We eventually called it quits so hopefully this will be fixed until next time! I honestly can't wait until Cataclysm. Bring on the new content!
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