Hey, guys! Sorry, it's been awhile! I've been refraining from posting for a bit to get some things done before Cataclysm and with that being said; I finished my Hydraxian Waterlords rep! My next little project when ZG goes away will be to try to get Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros! The eye off Rag still hasn't dropped for me, but i've been trying to gather some of the many materials to make it! I've gotten both bindings for Thunderfury *ducks*, but i'm not really motivated to make it yet due to no Feat of Strength if I make it. :P Unless they changed that, of course.
I'm sad that ZG is going away due to not getting any mounts yet (one more reset left!), but i'm pretty excited to see old world change! It's so hard to think that the expansion is coming out soon. I'm ready to rush to my local Gamestop to pick it up!
It was a hard decision, but I ended up quitting my guild last night. I went to go rejoin my old guild for Cataclysm since they wanted me to come back. I really missed raiding with my friends. Not going to lie about it but I feel bad. :( I'm not one to guild hop so this was a very difficult decision for me.
On a happy note i've been watching some Cataclysm dungeon run videos on youtube. One that i've been watching is from TotalBiscuit. I've also watched some of the raid bosses from the Paragon videos and they look really fun!
Here's hoping we all have a great last 2 weeks of Wrath of the Lich King! Take care, everyone!
Hey! Good to hear from you again!
ReplyDeleteI recently got the Raptor from ZG, so I'm glad to have gotten at least one of them.
My guild is trying to get all the legendaries too, all we have left is Val'nyr and Thunderfury!
I am really hoping my Gamestop does a midnight release like it did for Wrath of the Lich King, it was fun last time.
Thank you very much! :D
ReplyDeleteI haven't got any yet, but i've seen the raptor drop once. I wanted the raptor and didn't really care for the tiger too much since alliance has those mounts but ever since the removal of ZG was announced I really didn't mind which dropped if any. XD
I think my guild has all the legendaries all ready minus the staff from old Naxx, but they'd be still nice to have!