Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I respec too much!

Ever since the patch has been released, i've respecced multiple times! I'm really indecisive as you can tell. I was happy that we were getting new talents and all, but I really wish we had more points to work with! Come on Cataclysm; come out so and gimmie my 5 talent points! *shakes fists*

Before 4.0, I was satisfied with the spec I decided to go with. My main goal for this patch was to find a spec I was comfortable with that had what I thought worked for me the best. Anyway here's my respecs to find my spec until Cataclysm. If any resto druids see anything wrong with my final, please let me know. I'm always open to suggestions! :D

First Spec

As you can tell one of my main concerns once the patch hit was mana, so I picked up [Furor]. I wasn't sure if my mana would be ok in a raid setting because all I did on the PTR was some heroics and the Cataclysm event bosses. It wasn't really a good test due to not a lot of people were taking damage. I should've told everyone to stand in the fire so I could heal something. :(
I didn't pick up [Nature's Cure] because silly 'ol me thought paladins could dispel magic without talents, but I was wrong. My guild was doing Ulduar 25 with the people that decided they wanted to test out their spells (we got a little break to prepare our chars once patch hit). We were on Iron Council and I was asked to dispel and I said I didn't have it (I felt a tad embarrassed, to be honest >.<). With that being said that lead me to do my first respec..

Second Spec

Since I had no mana problems while raiding I decided to remove the 3 points into [Furor] and put it in [Swift Rejuvenation] and [Nature's Cure]. I really like dispelling magic, like when people get turned into oozes by Plague Scientists. I noticed while healing last week that I really didn't use [Nourish] or [Healing Touch] a lot since i'm normally assigned to healing the raid. I generally use them when I have time to spot heal tanks when the raid isn't taking damage. With that I decided to respec yet again.

Final Spec
Same numbers, different spec!

The difference in this spec is that I moved the points from [Empowered Touch] into [Blessing of the Grove]. As i've said I really haven't used neither Nourish or Healing touch on the raid due to their cast times so I decided to spec out of it. The 100% lifebloom refresh with nourish is really nice, but instead of casting nourish I could just simply refresh it in less time than the cast.
I generally keep 3 stacks of Lifebloom on the tank and wouldn't mind casting nourish to keep it up, but while the raid is taking damage it's a tad bit quicker to cast lifebloom again to keep the stack than nourish. As of now, i'm not going to use Empowered Touch but in Cataclysm I can see myself picking it up (I wanna try tank healing! Valithria doesn't count).

I love new patches. Especially ones with new talents and spell changes to play around with. I really enjoy playing my druid now due to all the spell variety we have (so long WG, Rejuvx5, WG, Rejuvx5). I really can't wait till Cataclysm, I want to heal me some new dungeons and raids!

Until Cataclysm comes out i'll be raiding until my guild decides to have a break before it comes out (if we have one) and while we're not raiding level my not-so-little druid who's now level 70. I've been trying to get money with my professions on my main druid, but i'm really terrible at it. I need to get back doing dailies. I wouldn't mind getting the mounts from the Argent Tournament to try to get 100 mounts!

Looking back, I posted a Pre-Cataclysm Bucket List awhile ago. Now to see what I still need to accomplish!

Four out of five isn't so bad! We still have a few more weeks to go. 3-5 more weeks of Molten Core runs and I should be exalted! Anyway thanks for reading. Cheers, everyone!

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