Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your Cataclysm Resto Build

So i've been playing around with the talent calculators today and trying to find a spec for me once these talents are live. I know, I know.. these talents may change, but it's still fun to play around with it! So with that being said I came up with this talent spec - click.

After reading up talents and re-reading them.. Our tree form cooldown has a 50% movement debuff just like it did in BC. We're usually moving in raids depending the situation like having to move away or having to move to a certain spot. Also that Wild Growth is going to cost 66% base mana, oh my. I guess it isn't so much since it's base and not total, but still. Some other resto druids i've talked to decided to not even talk wild growth nor tree form.

It's really interesting to see what other resto druids are doing with the released talent builds. I personally don't really know what i'm going to do as of yet since Cataclysm doesn't even have a release date as far as I know of. These talent previews are subject to change as well. Anyway i'm still excited about Cataclysm as well as trying to keep up to date with the info without being able to play at the moment.

Anyone have thoughts about the new talents or has also played with the cataclysm talent calculators and made a build? Let me know!


  1. Have you ever tried Some PVP???

  2. Yessir! I haven't pvped since season seven, but I never really focused on it. It's really fun though. :)
