Full add on list here.
This is my little rundown of my UI. I won't be mentioning all of them, but if you have any questions please let me know or if you want to know what is what. :D
Real easy to customize. I'm not so sure if I might stick with this or use x-perl. I originally just used the standard WoW unit frames. I currently only use this for me, my target, and my target's target.
Bagnon is a pretty neat addon. When you mouse over items it shows how much of it you have whether it's in your bank or on another toon. You can also check your alts bank without being on your alt! One of the main things I love about this is the search option since I always lose things in my inventory and especially in my bank! ^_^;
Button facade is what makes your action bar buttons shine! If you like shiny things like me, you'll love this. The ButtonFacade skin I currently am using is ButtonFacade: Sleek.
Clique is simple to use. It makes you able to use mouse bound options with any unit frames. You can configure which frames will be affected by this like how I only have it work on Grid. I mainly use this for cleansing curses and poisons. I used to use decursive, but switched to this to not clutter my ui so much.
Do you see the two orbs at the bottom of the screen? That would be rBottomBarStyler. It's a very cool looking add on that shows your health and mana in the view of orbs (exactly like Diablo, there's more skins too!). It also gives a place where you can put your spells, but to put it there that's when Dominos comes in. You'll have to move and resize it. Sounds like a lot of work but it's really easy!
ForteXorcist and OmniCC
The cooldown bar right above my main action bar would be ForteXorcist (I only use it for the CD bar). I use OmniCC as well (displays a cd count on your action bar). I'm currently trying to find a CD bar that tracks ICD on things like trinkets and such as well so if anyone knows one let me know! I need to mess around with Forte and see if it does this; i'm an add on nub. :)
Grid Grid Grid! I first started using this in the middle of Ulduar (I used to pull out standard ui raid frames and heal). >_> I mainly love this because it doesn't take too much space and is very customizable.
Some Grid plugins I use are:
- GridIndicatorCornerText - You see the numbers on the top right, bottom right, and bottom left of my grid? Yep, that's it! This is how I keep track of my HoTs. Instead of,
You'd put,
and leave the original "Top Right Corner" blank or wherever you decide to put it.
- GridStatusHots - This makes you able to have the option to show only your HoTs, very useful if you raid with more than one druid but want to keep track of your HoTs.
- GridStatusLifebloom - This let's you be able to set different colors for your lifebloom stacks.
Quartz is the casting bar I use. It's good so I can see my lag (damn you, wireless!). It also has a gcd spark you can set up.
I generally use this so I can resize and move around my buff/debuff bars. It's really easy to use and looks very nice.
With this you can customize your mini map and move it around anywhere you please. It comes with a few preset skins you can mess around with and change the colors. You can choose which mini map buttons to show or not (most of my add on mini map buttons are moused over) or where to move them around (can be locked after, of course!).
Like Recount, Skada is a damage meter. It's very nice looking and easy to customize like recount. An plug in I use for this is SkadaHealAbsorbs which tracks healing and absorbs done.
As always if you have any questions or if I missed something you want to know, please let me know and i'll be happy to help! And remember.. keep your local trees happy!

This happened when I entered my random today. The bear tank said that and I got a hug! This local tree is definitely happy! ◕◡◕
Awesome Ui is awesome
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