Thursday, August 12, 2010

You.. I remember you..

In the mountains..

Just kidding, but it has been awhile and I apologize for that! Lately i've been raiding, attempting to raise my goblin rep then give up after around 2 runs, and leveling my warlock (she's 32 now by the way!). Also does anyone know anywhere else to level but Stranglethorn Vale at that level? I've leveled dozens of characters there so I want to level elsewhere if possible. :D

Other than being the crazy, hyper druid that I am i've also been waiting for resto druid updates for blizzard. Every night I check MMO-Champion in hopes, but none so far. I'll just sit patiently and twiddle my thumbs. Anyway sorry for the lack of posting, i'll be writing more, I promise! Have an awesome day. :)


  1. You can try Arathi Highlands or Desolace.

  2. I've never been to Desolace. XD I think the only time I was there was killing the skeletons to get the Scarlet Monastery quest. I think i'll try questing there. =D
