Saturday, September 11, 2010

Talent Changes, Tier 11 Set Bonuses, and Resto Glyphs!

A few days ago some talents have been revamped/renamed, tier 11 set bonuses, and I was browsing through forums to find someone posted the druid glyphs in the druid section on MMO-Champion forums. Let's get started!

Talent Changes

So not a lot of talent changes occured that will effect resto druids, but..

Nature's Grace New - Increases all spell haste by 1%.
Old All non-periodic spell criticals have a 33% chance to grace you with a blessing nature, increasing your spell casting by 20% for 3 sec.

Another talent that was changed was the beloved Nom Nom Nom which is now named Feast of Flesh. RIP Nom Nom Nom. :(

Tier 11 Resto Set Bonuses

Set bonuses were released and here's the resto druid ones!

Restoration 2p Bonus - Increases the critical strike chance of the periodic portion of your Lifebloom spell by 5%.
Restoration 4p Bonus - Whenever you have Lifebloom stacked to its maximum of 3 applications on its target, you gain 540 Spirit. / Instant

I looked at other healer set bonuses and it seemed like the 2 piece bonus was for their big/tank heal and the 4 piece was for a HoT or AoE HoT (or absorb if you're a priest!). For us that may seem different since our 2 bonuses revolve around the same spell (lifebloom). I will say i'm kind of disappointed it's on the same spell seeing as how lifebloom is single target (I will not keep mentioning that! /sadpanda).

Blizzard seems to want us supporting tanks more. I have no problem with that since I usually keep HoTs on the tank if i'm raid healing.

Glyphs Glyphs Glyphs!

As i've mentioned before I found a forum post on the druid forums about glyphs in the beta currently. I don't know whether they're correct or not since i'm not in beta, but here they are. Remember we can choose 3 Prime glyphs, 3 Major, and 3 Minor. :)

Prime Glyphs

Berserk - Increases duration by 5 seconds.
Insect Swarm - Increases damage by 30%
Lifebloom - Increases crit chance by 10%.
Mangle - Increases damage by 10%
Moonfire - Increases periodic damage by 20%.
Regrowth - The HoT portion will automatically refresh if the target is at/below 25% HP.
Rejuv - Increases healing done by 10%.
Rip - Increases damage done by 15%.
Savage Roar - 3% additional bonus to Savage Roar.
Shred - Each Shred will extend Rip by 2 seconds, up to 6 seconds.
Starfire - Increases duration of Moonfire by 3 seconds, up to 9 seconds.
Starsurge - When Starsurge does damage, the cooldown on Starfall is reduced by 5 seconds.
Swiftmend - Swiftmend no longer consumes Rejuv/Regrowth.
Wrath - Wrath does 10% additional damage on targets affected by IS


Barkskin - Reduces the chance to be crit by melee attacks by 25% for the duration.
Claw - Reduces energy cost by 5 energy.
Entangling Roots - Reduces cast time by 100%.
Focus - Increases Starfall damage by 10%, reduces radius by 50%
Frenzied Regen - While active, increases healing taken by 30% but no longer converts rage into healing. (/tear)
Healing Touch - When you HT, reduces the cooldown on Nature's Swiftness by 5 seconds.
Hurricane - Slows victims by 50%
Innervate - When Innervate is cast on a friendly target other than the caster, the caster gains 50% of the Innervate's effect.
Maul - Hits a secondary target for 50% damage.
Monsoon - Reduces the cooldown by 3 seconds.
Rake - Prevents targets from fleeing.
Rebirth - Target is returned with 100% health.
Solar Beam - Increases duration of silence effect by 5 seconds.
Starfall - Reduces cooldown by 30 seconds.
Thorns - Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds.
Wild Growth - Affects 1 additional target.


Aquatic Form - Form speed increased by 50%.
Challenging Roar - Reduces cooldown by 30 seconds.
Dash - Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds.
Mark of the Wild - Reduces mana cost by 50%
Typhoon - Reduces mana cost by 8% and increases radius by 10 yards, but no longer knocks back.
Unburdened Rebirth - Rebirth no longer requires a reagent.

One thing I noticed is that Glyph of Thorns was removed from the minor glyph list. Another thing I noticed, inc pvp woe, is that Glyph of Innervate (current) will no longer be able to cause protection from dispels since we only get it if we cast it on another player in Cata. Ok, priests.. you win this round.. For now!

Where's our tree form minor glyph?! ;)

So what glyphs do you think you'll be using in Cata and what are you looking forward to the most?

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