Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm back!

As of yesterday i'm back on WoW so thought i'd make a little update post. Since April my old laptop pretty much exploded. With my old comp I would raid with 4 fps and be at about 12 fps in cities and such, but now I sit at 60 fps generally. :D I haven't done any raids as of yet so i'll test that later!

Since Midsummer Fire Festival is out, I decided to level a second druid. I leveled my main as feral so i'm trying it out as resto. There's a really nice experience buff from Midsummer Fire Festival that i'm definitely going to put into use!

I'm pretty excited to be back again and look forward to leveling my new druid, watch Anzu not drop, and working on getting loremaster. Ruby Sanctum is now out so i'm hoping to get to do that soon (haven't seen a pug yet for it on my server). I also need to try to get the little pet from Ahune! I'm crossing my fingers to hope it drops before it ends.

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